Friday, February 15, 2013

USGCRP National Climate Assessment Report

I read some of the National Climate Assessment Report this week, although I will admit that I did not read all of it because it is incredibly long. Which is to be expected because a report assessing the current climate problems of our nation is likely to be vast because of all of the current environmental issues. One thing I learned is that there is a projection temperature rise of 2-4 degrees Fahrenheit in the next few decades. I had heard rumblings of the problems caused by just one degree of temperature change, but the fact that there could be 2-4 is startling. That seriously makes me worry about my future here on this planet as well as my children and grandchildren's. With that being said, there was not all that much that I learned form what I did read of the report. I'm sure if I had the time to read the entire thing in detail I would learn much more, but otherwise it was just more detail on problems I was already aware of in the U.S. climate.
What I found most helpful, and not really for myself but for the American people, is the emphasis it put on the impact on humans. Although it was not necessary for me, I think in the American society it is important, if not vital, to use this method in addressing the problem here. Acknowledging the human aspect is the only way to really get the attention of much of the nation and make people realize the seriousness of these problems.
What was good about the report is the facts it provided, which gives me an updated resource and reference to use when doing future environmental research as well as something to base my arguments off of when trying to discuss climate disruption with the public. My peers at UVM are equally as intrigued by this report and the information it contains, however the students at UVM and in my major are not typical of the American "youth". Our interest in environmental issues and regulation is not the same as what I was used to back home in Rhode Island. However, I think if the information in the report is presented in the right way to could spark the interest of many others in my age group.
I guess that's also the thing I would change. There was so much information and data that it was a bit hard to swallow. I would have maybe made some kind of abstract that was much easier to understand with the information a bit more clearly presented. This could be just because I was so overwhelmed by the amount of information and the length of the report that I overlooked some of what I was reading, but if I could change something about it that would be the one thing I could really pick right now.

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